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L’Ormarins Wine Estate:
Latitude: 33°52´18.79¨S Longitude: 18°59´54.64¨E

Terra del Capo/Anthonij Rupert Tasting Room GPS Coordinates:
Latitude: 33˚52’50.6" S Longitude: 19˚01’26.6" E

Franschhoek Motor Museum GPS Coordinates:
Latitude: 33°52´18.79¨S Longitude: 18°59´54.64¨E

Directions from Cape Town along the N1:

From the N1, take exit 47 to Stellenbosch/Klapmuts/Wellington. At the end of the off-ramp turn right into the R44. After ± 600m you’ll reach a 4 way stop. Go straight, ±400m, over the bridge and turn left to Franschhoek onto the R45. Drive for 8,2km until you reach the T-junction with Vrede & Lust on your right. Turn right onto the R45 and drive straight ahead for 5,6km until you reach Anthonij Rupert Wines (L’Ormarins) on your right hand side.

Directions from Cape Town International Airport along the N2:

Take the N2 to Somerset West. Turn off onto the R310 (Baden Powell) into Stellenbosch and continue on the R310 through Stellenbosch and over the Helshoogte Pass. Turn right onto the R45 and continue for approximately 2,2km until you reach Anthonij Rupert Wines (L’Ormarins) on your right hand side.

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